A Discord bot library written in C++, with custom asynchronous coroutines.
No Matches
Collecting Select-Menu Input

  • after creating a button, create an object of the discord_core_api::select_menu_collector class, passing into its constructor the discord_core_api::input_event_data that resulted from the call to discord_core_api::input_events::respondToInputEventAsync, when the button was created.
  • call the discord_core_api::select_menu_collector::collectSelectMenuData() function from the instance of the select_menu_collector. note: the arguments for this function are as follows:
    getSelectMenuDataForAllNew = whether or not it accepts select-menu entries from everyone or just the individual selected with the discord_core_api::targetUser argument.
    maxWaitTimeInMsNew = the maximum number of milliseconds that the collector will wait for select-menu entries.
    maxCollectSelectMenuCountNew = the maximum number of select-menu entries that the collector will collect.
    targetUser = the target user, if discord_core_api::getSelectMenuDataForAllNew is disabled.
  • collect a result of type jsonifier::vector<select_menu_response_data> and deal with the button responses as you see fit! keep in mind that you could set up a voting message by using discord_core_api::getSelectMenuDataForAllNew and having multiple entries allowed.
    /// Test.hpp -header for the "test" command.
    /// https://github.com/RealTimeChris/DiscordCoreAPI
    #pragma once
    #include "index.hpp"
    namespace discord_core_api {
    class test : public base_function {
    test() {
    commandName = "test";
    helpDescription = "testing purposes!";
    embed_data msgEmbed;
    msgEmbed.setDescription("------\nSimply enter !test or /test!\n------");
    msgEmbed.setTitle("__**test usage:**__");
    helpEmbed = msgEmbed;
    unique_ptr<base_function> create() {
    return makeUnique<test>();
    virtual void execute(base_function_arguments& args) {
    select_option_data selectOption;
    selectOption.label = "select menu";
    selectOption._default = true;
    selectOption.description = "select menu";
    selectOption.emoji.name = "🏁";
    selectOption.value = "select_menu";
    jsonifier::vector<select_option_data> selectMenuOptions {selectOption};
    respond_to_input_event_data& dataPackage {args.eventData};
    dataPackage.addSelectMenu(false, "test_button", selectMenuOptions, "select-menu", 1, 1);
    dataPackage.addContent("test response");
    dataPackage.addMessageEmbed(embed_data {.description = "testing!", .title = "test title"});
    dataPackage.type = input_event_response_type::Interaction_Response;
    auto inputEventData = input_events::respondToInputEventAsync(dataPackage);
    select_menu_collector selectMenuCollector {inputEventData};
    auto results = selectMenuCollector.collectSelectMenuData(true, 120000, 3, getBotUser().id).get();
    for (const auto& value: results) {
    std::cout << value.userId << std::endl;
    The main namespace for the forward-facing interfaces.
    Base class for the command classes.