A Discord bot library written in C++, with custom asynchronous coroutines.
No Matches
discord_core_api::application_data Class Reference

Application data. More...

#include <FoundationEntities.hpp>

Public Data Members

bool botPublic {}
 Is the bot public?
bool botRequireCodeGrant {}
 Does the bot require a code grant?
jsonifier::string coverImage {}
 The cover image.
jsonifier::string description {}
 Description of the application.
application_flags flags {}
 Application flags.
snowflake guildId {}
 Guild id.
jsonifier::string icon {}
 Application's icon.
jsonifier::string name {}
 Application's name.
user_data owner {}
 Application's owner.
install_params_data params {}
 Settings for the application's default in-app authorization link, if enabled.
jsonifier::string primarySkuId {}
 Primary sku snowflake.
jsonifier::string privacyPolicyUrl {}
 Privacy policy url.
jsonifier::vector< jsonifier::string > rpcOrigins {}
 Array of rpc origin strings.
jsonifier::string slug {}
jsonifier::string summary {}
 Summary of the application.
jsonifier::vector< jsonifier::string > tags {}
 Up to 5 tags describing the content and functionality of the application install_params.
team_object_data team {}
 Team object data.
jsonifier::string termsOfServiceUrl {}
 Terms of service url.
jsonifier::string verifyKey {}
 The verification key.

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