A Discord bot library written in C++, with custom asynchronous coroutines.
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discord_core_api::send_dmdata Class Reference

For sending a direct-message. More...

#include <MessageEntities.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for discord_core_api::send_dmdata:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from discord_core_api::message_response_base
message_response_baseaddAllowedMentions (const allowed_mentions_data dataPackage)
 For setting the allowable mentions in a response. More...
message_response_baseaddButton (bool disabled, jsonifier::string_view customIdNew, jsonifier::string_view buttonLabel, button_style buttonStyle, jsonifier::string_view emojiName="", snowflake emojiId=snowflake{}, jsonifier::string_view url="")
 Adds a button to the response message_data. More...
message_response_baseaddComponentRow (const action_row_data dataPackage)
 For setting the components in a response. More...
message_response_baseaddContent (jsonifier::string_view dataPackage)
 For setting the message content in a response. More...
message_response_baseaddFile (file theFile)
 Adds a file to the current collection of files for this message response. More...
message_response_baseaddMessageEmbed (const embed_data dataPackage)
 For setting the embeds in a response. More...
message_response_baseaddModal (jsonifier::string_view topTitleNew, jsonifier::string_view topCustomIdNew, jsonifier::string_view titleNew, jsonifier::string_view customIdNew, bool required, uint64_t minLength, uint64_t maxLength, text_input_style inputStyle, jsonifier::string_view label="", jsonifier::string_view placeholder="")
 Adds a modal to the response message_data. More...
message_response_baseaddSelectMenu (bool disabled, jsonifier::string_view customIdNew, jsonifier::vector< select_option_data > options, jsonifier::string_view placeholder, uint64_t maxValues, uint64_t minValues, select_menu_type type, jsonifier::vector< channel_type > channelTypes=jsonifier::vector< channel_type >{})
 Adds a select-menu to the response message_data. More...
message_response_basesetTTSStatus (bool enabledTTs)
 For setting the tts status of a response. More...

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