A Discord bot library written in C++, with custom asynchronous coroutines.
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discord_core_api::create_guild_channel_data Struct Reference

For creating a new channel_data within a chosen guild_data. More...

#include <ChannelEntities.hpp>

Public Data Members

int32_t bitrate {}
 The bitrate(in bits) of the voice channel_data(voice only).
int32_t defaultAutoArchiveDuration {}
 Defualt duration of time before archiving a thread.
snowflake guildId {}
 The guild_data within which to create the channel_data.
jsonifier::string name {}
 The name of the channel_data.
bool nsfw {}
 whether the channel_data is nsfw.
snowflake parentId {}
 snowflake of the parent category for a channel.
jsonifier::vector< over_write_datapermissionOverwrites {}
 Array of overwrite objects the channel_data's permission overwrites.
int32_t position {}
 Sorting position of the channel_data.
int32_t rateLimitPerUser {}
 Amount of seconds a user has to wait before sending another message(0 - 21600).
jsonifier::string reason {}
 Reason for creating the channel_data.
jsonifier::string topic {}
 channel_data topic(0 - 1024 characters).
channel_type type {}
 The type of channel_data.
int32_t userLimit {}
 The user limit of the voice channel_data(voice only).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: