A Discord bot library written in C++, with custom asynchronous coroutines.
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discord_core_api::interaction_callback_data Struct Reference

Interaction application_command_data callback data. More...

#include <FoundationEntities.hpp>

Public Data Members

allowed_mentions_data allowedMentions {}
 Allowed mentions data.
jsonifier::vector< attachment_dataattachments {}
 Array of partial attachment objects attachment objects with filename and description.
jsonifier::vector< application_command_option_choice_datachoices {}
 Autocomplete choices(max of 25 choices).
jsonifier::vector< action_row_datacomponents {}
 Message components.
jsonifier::string content {}
 Message content.
jsonifier::string customId {}
 A developer-defined identifier for the component, max 100 characters.
jsonifier::vector< embed_dataembeds {}
 Message embeds.
unordered_set< jsonifier::string > excludedKeys {}
 Keys to exclude from parsing/serializing.
jsonifier::vector< filefiles {}
 Files for uploading.
uint64_t flags {}
jsonifier::string title {}
 The title of the popup modal.
bool tts {}
 Is it tts?

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