![]() |
A Discord bot library written in C++, with custom asynchronous coroutines.
►Ndiscord_core_api | The main namespace for the forward-facing interfaces |
►Ndiscord_core_internal | |
Cco_routine_thread_pool | A class representing a coroutine-based thread pool |
Cencoder_return_data | Structure to hold the encoded data and sample count returned by the encoder |
Cetf_parse_error | Exception class for etf parsing errors |
Cetf_parser | Class for parsing etf data into json format |
Cetf_serialize_error | Custom exception class for etf serialization errors |
Cevent | Template class representing an event that executes event functions |
Cevent_delegate | Event-delegate, representing an event function to be executed |
Cevent_delegate_token | Struct representing an event delegate token, associated with an event |
Chttps_client | For sending Https requests |
Chttps_connection_manager | For managing the collection of Https connections |
Chttps_response_code | Voice websocket close codes |
Cmatroska_demuxer | A class for demuxing Matroska-contained audio data |
Cogg_demuxer | A class for demuxing Ogg-contained audio data |
Cogg_page | A class representing an Ogg page for demuxing |
►Copus_decoder_wrapper | A wrapper class for the opus audio decoder |
Copus_decoder_deleter | Deleter foropus_decoder instances |
►Copus_encoder_wrapper | Wrapper class for the opus audio encoder |
Copus_encoder_deleter | Deleter for OpusEncoder instances |
Cring_buffer | A template implementation of a ring buffer using ring_buffer_interface |
Cring_buffer_interface | A template interface for a ring buffer |
Ctrigger_event | A trigger event that fires based on the result of trigger-function return value |
Ctrigger_event_delegate | Event-delegate, for representing an event-function to be executed conditionally |
Cwebsocket_client | A websocket client, for communication via a tcp-connection |
Cwebsocket_close | Websocket close codes |
Cworker_thread | A struct representing a worker thread for coroutine-based tasks |
Caccount_data | Account data |
Caction_data | For representing a single auto-moderation-rule-action |
Caction_meta_data | Action metadata for auto-moderation-rules |
Caction_row_data | Action row data of message components |
Cactive_threads_data | Data representing an active thread_data |
Cactivity_data | Activity data |
Cadd_guild_member_data | For adding a new guild_member_data to a chosen guild |
Cadd_guild_member_role_data | For addin a role_data to a guild_member |
Cadd_recipient_to_group_dmdata | For adding a user to a group dm |
Cadd_thread_member_data | For adding a chosen user_data to a chosen thread_data |
Callowed_mentions_data | Allowable mentions for a message |
Capplication_command_data | Data structure representing an application_command_data |
Capplication_command_interaction_data_option | Application_command_data interaction data option |
Capplication_command_option_choice_data | Data structure representing an application_command_data's option choice |
Capplication_command_option_data | Data structure representing an application_command_data's option |
Capplication_command_permission_data | Permissions data for an application_command_data |
Capplication_commands | An interface class for the application_command_data related discord endpoints |
Capplication_data | Application data |
Carchived_threads_data | Data representing an archived thread_data |
Cattachment_data | Attachment data |
Caudio_frame_data | Represents a single frame of audio data |
Caudit_log_change_data | Audit log change data |
Caudit_log_data | Audit log data |
Caudit_log_entry_data | Audit log entry data |
Cauthorization_info_data | Authorization info structure |
Cauto_moderation_action_execution_event_data | For when an auto-moderation-rule is executed |
Cauto_moderation_rule_data | Represents an auto-moderation-rule |
Cauto_moderation_rules | An interface class for the auto_moderation_rule_data related discord endpoints |
Cban_data | Ban data |
Cbase_function | Base class for the command classes |
Cbase_function_arguments | Base arguments for the command classes |
Cbatch_edit_guild_application_command_permissions_data | For batch editing the permissions of a collection of guild application_commands |
Cbegin_guild_prune_data | For pruning a number of guild_members from the guild |
Cbot_user | A type of user_data, to represent the bot and some of its associated endpoints |
Cbulk_overwrite_global_application_commands_data | For bulk-overwriting a collection of global application_commands |
Cbulk_overwrite_guild_application_commands_data | For bulk-overwriting a collection of guild application_commands |
Cbutton_collector | Button_collector, for collecting button input from one or more users |
Cbutton_response_data | Button response data |
Ccache_options | For selecting the caching style of the library |
Cchannel_cache_data | Data structure representing a single channel_data |
Cchannel_data | A channel_data object |
Cchannel_mention_data | Channel_data mention data |
Cchannel_pins_update_event_data | Data for when some channel_data pins are updated |
Cchannels | An interface class for the channel_data related endpoints |
Cco_routine | A co_routine - representing a potentially asynchronous operation/function |
►Cco_routine< return_type_new, timeOut > | A co_routine - representing a potentially asynchronous operation/function |
Cpromise_type | |
Cco_routine_error | An error type for co_routines |
Ccommand_controller | A class for handling commands from user input |
Ccommand_data | Command data, for functions executed by the command_controller |
Cconnect_to_voice | Crtp-based struct for exposing the connectToVoice functionality of the guild-related classes |
Cconnection_data | Represents a single user_data connection |
Ccreate_application_command_data | For creating an application command |
Ccreate_auto_moderation_rule_data | For creating an auto-moderation-rule |
Ccreate_channel_invite_data | For creating an invite to a given channel |
Ccreate_deferred_interaction_response_data | For creating a deferred interaction response |
Ccreate_dmchannel_data | For collecting a direct-messaging channel_data |
Ccreate_ephemeral_follow_up_message_data | For creating an ephemeral follow up message_data |
Ccreate_ephemeral_interaction_response_data | For creating an ephemeral interaction response |
Ccreate_follow_up_message_data | For creating a follow up message_data |
Ccreate_global_application_command_data | For creating a single global application_command_data |
Ccreate_guild_application_command_data | For creating a single guild application_command_data |
Ccreate_guild_ban_data | For banning a current guild_member_data |
Ccreate_guild_channel_data | For creating a new channel_data within a chosen guild_data |
Ccreate_guild_data | For creating a guild |
Ccreate_guild_emoji_data | For creating a new guild emoji |
Ccreate_guild_from_guild_template_data | For creating a guild from a guild template |
Ccreate_guild_role_data | For creating a new role_data within a chosen guild |
Ccreate_guild_scheduled_event_data | For creating a guild_scheduled_event_data |
Ccreate_guild_sticker_data | For creating a single sticker_data |
Ccreate_guild_template_data | For creating a guild template |
Ccreate_interaction_response_data | For creating an interaction response |
Ccreate_message_data | For creating a message |
Ccreate_reaction_data | For creating a single reaction_data |
Ccreate_stage_instance_data | For creating a stage_instance_data |
Ccreate_web_hook_data | For creating a new web_hook_data |
Ccrosspost_message_data | For crossposting a message |
Cdca_exception | An exception class derived from std::runtime_error for dca-related exceptions |
Cdelete_all_reactions_data | For deleting all of the reactions on a particular message_data |
Cdelete_auto_moderation_rule_data | For deleting an auto-moderation-rule |
Cdelete_channel_permission_overwrites_data | For deleting the permission_types overwrites of a given channel for a given role or user_data |
Cdelete_follow_up_message_data | For deleting a follow up message_data |
Cdelete_global_application_command_data | For deleting a single global application_command_data |
Cdelete_guild_application_command_data | For deleting a single guild application_command_data |
Cdelete_guild_data | For deleting a guild |
Cdelete_guild_emoji_data | For deleting a guild emoji |
Cdelete_guild_integration_data | For deleting a guild integration |
Cdelete_guild_scheduled_event_data | For deleting a single guild scheduled event |
Cdelete_guild_sticker_data | For deleting a single sticker_data |
Cdelete_guild_template_data | For deleting a guild template |
Cdelete_interaction_response_data | For deleting an interaction response |
Cdelete_invite_data | For deleting a single guild invite |
Cdelete_message_data | For deleting a message |
Cdelete_messages_bulk_data | For deleting a bulk of messages |
Cdelete_or_close_channel_data | For deleting or closing a channel |
Cdelete_own_reaction_data | For deleting one's own reaction_data |
Cdelete_reactions_by_emoji_data | For deleting all of the reactions of a particular emoji |
Cdelete_stage_instance_data | For deleting a single stage_instance_data |
Cdelete_user_reaction_data | For deleting a reaction, by user_data |
Cdelete_web_hook_data | For deleting a web_hook |
Cdelete_web_hook_message_data | For deleting a web_hook message_data |
Cdelete_web_hook_with_token_data | For deleting a web_hook, using its token |
Cdiscord_core_client | Discord_core_client - the main class for this library |
Cdiscord_core_client_config | Configuration data for the library's main class, discord_core_client |
Cdownload_url | Represents a download url |
Cedit_channel_permission_overwrites_data | For editing the permission_types overwrites of a given channel, for a given role or user_data |
Cedit_follow_up_message_data | For editing a follow up message_data |
Cedit_global_application_command_data | For editing a single global application_command_data |
Cedit_guild_application_command_data | For editing a single guild application_command_data |
Cedit_guild_application_command_permissions_data | For editing the permissions of a single guild application_command_data |
Cedit_interaction_response_data | For editing an interaction response |
Cedit_message_data | For editing a message |
Cedit_web_hook_data | For editing a web_hook message_data |
Cembed_author_data | Embed author data |
Cembed_data | Embed data |
Cembed_field_data | Embed field data |
Cembed_footer_data | Embed footer data |
Cembed_image_data | Embed image data |
Cembed_provider_data | Embed provider data |
Cembed_thumbnail_data | Embed thumbnail data |
Cembed_video_data | Embed video data |
Cemoji_data | Data structure representing a single emoji |
Cevent_manager | Class for handling the assignment of event-handling functions.int32_t |
Cexecute_web_hook_data | For executing a web_hook |
Cfile | Data representing a file to be sent via multipart-form data |
Cfollow_news_channel_data | For following a news channel_data |
Cforum_tag_data | Forum tags |
Cforum_thread_message_data | Represents a forum thread message |
Cgateway_bot_data | Data from the get_gateway_bot endpoint |
Cget_active_guild_threads_data | For listing the active threads in a chosen guild |
Cget_active_threads_data | For collecting the list of active threads |
Cget_application_command_permissions_data | For acquiring the permissions of a single guild application_command_data |
Cget_auto_moderation_rule_data | For collecting an auto-moderation-rule for a particular auto_moderation_rule_data |
Cget_channel_data | For collecting a channel from discord's servers |
Cget_channel_invites_data | For collecting the invites to a given channel |
Cget_channel_web_hooks_data | For collecting a list of web_hooks from a chosen channel_data |
Cget_current_user_guilds_data | For collecting a list of guild's that the bot is in |
Cget_emoji_list_data | For collecting a list of emoji from a guild |
Cget_follow_up_message_data | For getting a follow-up message_data |
Cget_global_application_command_data | For collecting a single global application_command_data |
Cget_global_application_commands_data | For getting all of the global application commands |
Cget_guild_application_command_data | For acquiring a single guild application_command_data |
Cget_guild_application_command_permissions_data | For acquiring the permissions of a collection of guild application_commands |
Cget_guild_application_commands_data | For acquiring all of the guild application_commands of a single guild |
Cget_guild_audit_logs_data | For geting a guild's audit logs |
Cget_guild_ban_data | For getting a single guild ban |
Cget_guild_bans_data | For getting a list of guild bans |
Cget_guild_channels_data | For acquiring a list of channels from a chosen guild_data |
Cget_guild_data | For getting a guild from the library's cache or a discord server |
Cget_guild_emoji_data | For collecting a single guild emoji |
Cget_guild_invites_data | For geting all of the current invites from a guild |
Cget_guild_member_data | For getting a guild_member, from the library's cache or discord server |
Cget_guild_member_roles_data | For getting a chosen guild_member_data's roles |
Cget_guild_preview_data | For acquiring a guild preview of a chosen guild |
Cget_guild_prune_count_data | For collecting the guild prune count |
Cget_guild_roles_data | For getting a chosen guild's roles |
Cget_guild_scheduled_event_data | For collecting a single guild scheduled event |
Cget_guild_scheduled_event_users_data | For collecting a list of guild scheduled event users |
Cget_guild_scheduled_events_data | For collecting a list of a guild's scheduled events |
Cget_guild_stickers_data | For collecting a list of stickers from a chosen guild |
Cget_guild_template_data | For collecting a guild's template |
Cget_guild_templates_data | For collecting a list of guild templates from a chosen guild |
Cget_guild_vanity_invite_data | For geting the vanity invite responseData of a guild |
Cget_guild_voice_regions_data | For collecting a list of guild voice regions |
Cget_guild_web_hooks_data | For collecting a list of web_hooks from a chosen guild |
Cget_guild_welcome_screen_data | For collecting a guild's welcome screen |
Cget_guild_widget_data | For collecting a guild's widget |
Cget_guild_widget_image_data | For collecting a guild's widget image |
Cget_guild_widget_object_data | Get guild widget data |
Cget_guild_widget_settings_data | For collecting a guild's widget settings |
Cget_interaction_response_data | For getting an interaction response |
Cget_invite_data | For geting a single invite's responseData from a guild |
Cget_joined_private_archived_threads_data | For collecting joined protected archived threads from a given channel |
Cget_message_data | For getting a message |
Cget_messages_data | For getting a collection of messages |
Cget_pinned_messages_data | For getting a collection of pinned messages |
Cget_private_archived_threads_data | For collecting protected archived threads from a given channel |
Cget_public_archived_threads_data | For collecting puiblic archived threads from a given channel |
Cget_reactions_data | For getting all of the reactions |
Cget_role_data | For getting a role_data from the library's cache, or the discord server |
Cget_stage_instance_data | For collecting a single stage_instance_data |
Cget_sticker_data | For getting a sticker_data object for the given sticker id |
Cget_thread_member_data | For collecting a thread_member responseData structure for a given thread_member |
Cget_thread_members_data | For collecting the list of thread_members from a thread_data |
Cget_user_data | For getting user_data responseData from the library's cache or the discord server |
Cget_web_hook_data | Collects a single web_hook_data |
Cget_web_hook_message_data | For getting a web_hook message_data |
Cget_web_hook_with_token_data | Collects a single web_hook_data, using the token and snowflake |
Cguild_application_command_permission_data | Guild application command permissions data |
Cguild_application_command_permissions_data | Represents the permissions for accessing an application_command_data from within a guild |
Cguild_cache_data | Data structure representing a single guild, for the purposes of populating the cache |
Cguild_data | A discord guild. used to connect to/disconnect from voice |
Cguild_emojis_update_event_data | Data representing a guild emoji update event |
Cguild_member_cache_data | Data structure representing a single guild_member_data |
Cguild_member_data | Data structure representing a single guild_member_data |
Cguild_members | An interface class for the guild_member_data related discord endpoints |
Cguild_preview_data | Data representing a single guild preview |
Cguild_prune_count_data | Guild prune count data |
Cguild_scheduled_event_data | Data representing a guild scheduled event |
Cguild_scheduled_event_metadata | Guild scheduled event entity metadata |
Cguild_scheduled_event_user_data | Data representing a single guild_scheduled_event_user |
Cguild_scheduled_events | An interface class for the guild_scheduled_event_data related discord endpoints |
Cguild_stickers_update_event_data | Data representing a guild stickers update event |
Cguild_template_data | Represents a guild template |
Cguild_widget_data | Guild widget data |
Cguild_widget_image_data | Guild widget image data |
Cguilds | An interface class for the guild_data related discord endpoints |
Cinput_event_data | Data representing an input-event, which is any message or interaction that is coming into the bot as an input |
Cinput_events | For handling user_data input - messages or interactions |
Cinstall_params_data | Install params data, for application data |
Cintegration_data | Integration data |
Cinteraction_callback_data | Interaction application_command_data callback data |
Cinteraction_data | Interaction data |
Cinteraction_data_data | Interaction data data |
Cinteraction_package_data | For storing interaction-related values |
Cinteraction_response_data | Interaction response data |
Cinteractions | An interface class for the interaction_data related discord endpoints |
Cinvite_data | Invite data |
Cjoin_thread_data | For joining a thread_data |
Cleave_guild_data | For leaving a particular guild |
Cleave_thread_data | For leaving a thread_data |
Clist_auto_moderation_rules_for_guild_data | For listing all of the auto-moderation-rules for a particular guild |
Clist_guild_members_data | For listing the guild_members of a chosen guild |
Clogging_options | Loggin options for the library |
Cmessage_activity_data | Message activity data |
Cmessage_data | The core of a message's data structure |
Cmessage_interaction_data | Message interaction data |
Cmessage_package_data | For storing message_data-related values |
Cmessage_printer | Class for printing different types of messages to output and error streams |
Cmessage_reference_data | Message reference data |
Cmessage_response_base | Message response base, for responding to messages |
Cmessages | An interface class for the message_data related discord endpoints |
Cmodal_collector | Modal_collector, for collecting modal text input from one or more users |
Cmodal_response_data | Button response data |
Cmodify_auto_moderation_rule_data | For modifying an auto-moderation-rule |
Cmodify_channel_data | For modifying a channel's properties |
Cmodify_current_guild_member_data | For modifying the current guild_member_data's values |
Cmodify_current_user_data | For modifying the bot's user_data responseData |
Cmodify_current_user_voice_state_data | For updating the bot's current voice state |
Cmodify_guild_channel_position_data | For modifying the channel_data position responseData of a single channel_data |
Cmodify_guild_channel_positions_data | For modifying the current positions of one or more channels in the guild_data |
Cmodify_guild_data | For modifying the properties of a chosen guild |
Cmodify_guild_emoji_data | For modifying a guild emoji |
Cmodify_guild_member_data | For modifying a guild_member's values |
Cmodify_guild_role_data | For updating a role_data's options within a chosen guild |
Cmodify_guild_role_positions_data | For updating the role_data positions |
Cmodify_guild_scheduled_event_data | For modifying a single guild scheduled event |
Cmodify_guild_sticker_data | For modifying a single sticker_data |
Cmodify_guild_template_data | For modifying a guild template |
Cmodify_guild_welcome_screen_data | For modifying a guild's welcome screen |
Cmodify_guild_widget_data | For modifying a guild's widget |
Cmodify_stage_instance_data | For modifying a single stage_instance_data |
Cmodify_user_voice_state_data | For modifying a user's voice state |
Cmodify_web_hook_data | For modifying a web_hook |
Cmodify_web_hook_with_token_data | For modifying a web_hook |
Cnew_thread_awaiter | An awaitable that can be used to launch the co_routine onto a new thread - as well as return the handle for stoppping its execution |
Cobject_cache | A template class representing an object cache |
►Cobject_collector | Object collector, for collecting objects from a channel |
Cobject_collector_return_data | Object_collector_return_data responseData.c |
Con_application_command_permissions_update_data | Data that is received as part of an application_command_permissions update event |
Con_auto_complete_entry_data | Data that is received upon the bot receiving an autocomplete entry |
Con_auto_moderation_action_execution_data | Data that is received as part of an auto_moderation_action execution event |
Con_auto_moderation_rule_creation_data | Data that is received as part of an auto_moderation_rule_data creation event |
Con_auto_moderation_rule_deletion_data | Data that is received as part of an auto_moderation_rule_data delete event |
Con_auto_moderation_rule_update_data | Data that is received as part of an auto_moderation_rule_data update event |
Con_channel_creation_data | Data that is received as part of a channel creation event |
Con_channel_deletion_data | Data that is received as part of a channel deletion event |
Con_channel_pins_update_data | Data that is received as part of a channel pins update event |
Con_channel_update_data | Data that is received as part of a channel update event |
Con_gateway_ping_data | Data that is received as part of a gateway ping event |
Con_guild_ban_add_data | Data that is received as part of a guild ban add event |
Con_guild_ban_remove_data | Data that is received as part of a guild ban add event |
Con_guild_creation_data | Data that is received as part of a guild creation event |
Con_guild_deletion_data | Data that is received as part of a guild deletion event |
Con_guild_emojis_update_data | Data that is received as part of a guild emojis update event |
Con_guild_integrations_update_data | Data that is received as part of a guild integration update event |
Con_guild_member_add_data | Data that is received as part of a guild_member add event |
Con_guild_member_remove_data | Data that is received as part of a guild_member remove event |
Con_guild_member_update_data | Data that is received as part of a guild_member update event |
Con_guild_members_chunk_data | Data that is received as part of a guild_members chunk event |
Con_guild_scheduled_event_creation_data | Data that is received as part of a guild_scheduled_event_data creation event |
Con_guild_scheduled_event_deletion_data | Data that is received as part of a guild_scheduled_event_data delete event |
Con_guild_scheduled_event_update_data | Data that is received as part of a guild_scheduled_event_data update event |
Con_guild_scheduled_event_user_add_data | Data that is received as part of a guild_scheduled_event_data user add event |
Con_guild_scheduled_event_user_remove_data | Data that is received as part of a guild_scheduled_event_data user remove event |
Con_guild_stickers_update_data | Data that is received as part of a guild sticker update event |
Con_guild_update_data | Data that is received as part of a guild update event |
Con_input_event_creation_data | Data that is received as part of an input_event creation event |
Con_integration_creation_data | Data that is received as part of an integration creation event |
Con_integration_deletion_data | Data that is received as part of an integration deletion event |
Con_integration_update_data | Data that is received as part of an integration update event |
Con_interaction_creation_data | Data that is received as part of an interaction creation event |
Con_invite_creation_data | Data that is received as part of an invite creation event |
Con_invite_deletion_data | Data that is received as part of an invite deletion event |
Con_message_creation_data | Data that is received as part of a message creation event |
Con_message_delete_bulk_data | Data that is received as part of a message delete bulk event |
Con_message_deletion_data | Data that is received as part of a message deletion event |
Con_message_update_data | Data that is received as part of a message update event |
Con_presence_update_data | Data that is received as part of a presence update event |
Con_reaction_add_data | Data that is received as part of a reaction add event |
Con_reaction_remove_all_data | Data that is received as part of a reaction remove all event |
Con_reaction_remove_data | Data that is received as part of a reaction remove event |
Con_reaction_remove_emoji_data | Data that is received as part of a reaction remove emoji event |
Con_role_creation_data | Data that is received as part of a role_data creation event |
Con_role_deletion_data | Data that is received as part of a role_data deletion event |
Con_role_update_data | Data that is received as part of a role_data update event |
Con_stage_instance_creation_data | Data that is received as part of a stage_instance_data creation event |
Con_stage_instance_deletion_data | Data that is received as part of a stage_instance_data deletion event |
Con_stage_instance_update_data | Data that is received as part of a stage_instance_data update event |
Con_thread_creation_data | Data that is received as part of a thread_data creation event |
Con_thread_deletion_data | Data that is received as part of a thread_data deletion event |
Con_thread_list_sync_data | Data that is received as part of a thread_data list sync event |
Con_thread_member_update_data | Data that is received as part of a thread_data member update event |
Con_thread_members_update_data | Data that is received as part of a thread_data members update event |
Con_thread_update_data | Data that is received as part of a thread_data update event |
Con_typing_start_data | Data that is received as part of a typing start event |
Con_user_update_data | Data that is received as part of a user update event |
Con_voice_server_update_data | Data that is received as part of a voice server update event |
Con_voice_state_update_data | Data that is received as part of a voice state update event |
Con_webhook_update_data | Data that is received as part of a web_hook update event |
Coptional_audit_entry_info_data | Audit log entry info data |
Cover_write_data | A permission_types overwrite, for a given channel |
Cpartial_emoji_data | Data structure representing a single emoji |
Cpermissions_base | Permissions_base class, for representing and manipulating permission values |
Cpin_message_data | For pinning a single message_data |
Cplaylist | Playlist of songs and other variables |
Cpresence_update_data | Presence update data |
Creaction_data | /// data structure representing a single reaction |
Creaction_remove_data | For removing a reaction |
Creactions | An interface class for the reaction_data related discord endpoints |
Cremove_guild_ban_data | For removing a previous created ban |
Cremove_guild_member_data | For removing a guild_member from a chosen guild |
Cremove_guild_member_role_data | For removing a role_data from a guild_member |
Cremove_guild_role_data | For removing a role_data from a chosen guild |
Cremove_recipient_from_group_dmdata | For removing a user from a group dm |
Cremove_thread_member_data | For removing a chosen user_data from a thread_data |
Crepeated_function_data | Function data for repeated functions to be loaded |
Cresolved_data | Resolved data |
Crespond_to_input_event_data | Data for responding to an input-event |
Crole_cache_data | Data structure representing a single role_data |
Crole_data | Single role_data |
Crole_position_data | For updating the positions of the roles |
Crole_tags_data | Role_data tags data |
Croles | An interface class for the role_data related discord endpoints |
Csearch_guild_members_data | For searching for one or more guild_members within a chosen guild |
Cselect_menu_collector | Select_menu_collector, for collecting select-menu input from one or more users |
Cselect_menu_response_data | Select menu response data |
Cselect_option_data | Represents a single selection from a select-menu |
Csend_dmdata | For sending a direct-message |
Csession_start_data | Data from the session_start info |
Csharding_options | Sharding options for the library |
Csnowflake | A class representing a snowflake identifier with various operations |
Csong_api | A class representing the song apis |
Csong_completion_event_data | Song completion event data |
Cstage_instance_data | Stage instance data |
Cstage_instances | An interface class for the stage_instance_data related discord endpoints |
Cstart_thread_in_forum_channel_data | For starting a thread_data, in a forum channel |
Cstart_thread_with_message_data | For starting a thread_data, based on a message |
Cstart_thread_without_message_data | For starting a thread_data, not based on a message |
Csticker_data | Data representing a single sticker_data |
Csticker_item_data | Message sticker_data item data |
Csticker_pack_data | Represents a sticker_data pack |
Cstickers | An interface class for the sticker_data related discord endpoints |
Cstream_info | For connecting two bots to stream the vc contents between the two |
Csync_guild_template_data | For syncing a guild template |
Cteam_members_object_data | Team members object data |
Cteam_object_data | Team object data |
Cthread_data | Represents a single thread_data |
Cthread_list_sync_data | Data for when threads are synced |
Cthread_member_data | Data for a single member of a thread_data |
Cthread_members_update_data | Represents a thread_data-members-update |
Cthread_metadata_data | Meta data for a thread_data type of channel_data |
Cthreads | An interface class for the thread_data related endpoints |
Ctime_stamp | A class that extends time_stamp_base to provide additional functionality |
Ctime_stamp_base | A base class for handling time stamps and conversions |
Ctimeout_guild_member_data | For timing out a guild_member |
Cto_entity | A class for converting snowflake id's into the data structures they represent |
Cto_entity< channel_data > | |
Cto_entity< guild_data > | |
Cto_entity< guild_member_data > | |
Cto_entity< message_data > | |
Cto_entity< role_data > | |
Cto_entity< stage_instance_data > | |
Cto_entity< user_data > | |
Ctrigger_meta_data | Trigger metadata for auto-moderation-rules |
Ctrigger_typing_indicator_data | For triggering the typing indicator in a given channel |
Ctyping_start_data | Representing "typing_start" data |
Cunbounded_message_block | A thread-safe messaging block for data-structures |
Cunicode_emoji | |
Cunique_ptr | A smart pointer class that provides unique ownership semantics |
Cunique_ptr< value_type[], deleter > | Specialization of unique_ptr for arrays |
Cunpin_message_data | For unpinning a single message_data |
Cupdate_channel_data | For updating/modifying a given channel's properties |
Cupdate_presence_data | For updating a user's presence |
Cupdate_voice_state_data | For updating the current voice state |
Cupdate_voice_state_data_dc | For updating the current voice state |
Cuser_cache_data | A single user_data |
Cuser_data | A single user_data |
Cusers | An interface class for the user_data related discord endpoints |
Cvoice_connect_init_data | For connecting to a voice-channel. "streamInfo" is used when a SOCKET is created to connect this bot to another bot, for transmitting audio back and forth |
Cvoice_connection | Voice_connection class - represents the connection to a given voice channel_data |
Cvoice_region_data | Structure representing voice region data |
Cvoice_state_data | Voice state data |
Cvoice_state_data_light | Voice state data |
Cvoice_user_payload | The voice data for a given user, as raw PCM data, along with their Id |
Cvoice_websocket_close | Voice websocket close codes |
Cweb_hook_data | Web_hook_data data |
Cweb_hooks | An interface class for the web_hook_data related discord endpoints; |
Cwelcome_screen_channel_data | Welcome screen channel_data data |
Cwelcome_screen_data | Welcome screen data |